KFx - Learning of Substance
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Training & Consultancy :: Courses

Drugs, Pubs and Clubs

Appropriate for: This course is aimed at club and pub licensees and their staff including door staff, bar staff and welfare staff within licensed premises.

About this course: Public entertainment venues are liable to become arenas for drug taking and supply of drugs. This course looks to achieve a balance between the legal obligations on staff running pubs and clubs and being able to ensure the public can still enjoy a night out. It reflects the latest guidance from the Home Office in their 2002 report "Safer Clubbing."

Duration: one day

Course objectives: By the end of the course, participant will:

Course includes:

Format: Taught sections, work in pairs and small groups, group discussion

Handouts: "Safer Clubbing Guide" (Home Office; 2002) and briefing notes.

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Courses overview

General Courses

Substance Specific Courses

Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses

Harm Reduction

Drugs and Wider Society
Commercial Sector

Skills-based Courses

Open Access Courses

In-House Courses

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