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Training & Consultancy :: Courses

Drugs on Holiday

Drug use amongst key groups of holiday-makers is a growing issue. Many young people are taking holidays with a strong focus on club-life and nightlife; with this often comes some engagement with drugs.

Holiday reps are a key source of information, advice and, in the event of a crisis, help. A bad drug related episode can have repercussions, not only for the young person involved, but also can damage the reputation of tour operators, especially those involved in "youth brand" holidays.

The "drugs on holiday" course equips holiday reps with the key skills ad knowledge to provide information, support and crisis management to drug related incidents on holiday.

Duration: One Day

Appropriate for: Holiday reps, youth brand managers within tour operators, hotel staff

Objectives: By the end of the course participants will:

The course includes

Format: Taught sections, small groups and group discussion.

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Courses overview

General Courses

Substance Specific Courses

Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses

Harm Reduction

Drugs and Wider Society
Commercial Sector

Skills-based Courses

Open Access Courses

In-House Courses

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