KFx - Learning of Substance
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Training & Consultancy :: Courses

Drugs in the Workplace

Duration: one day

Who is the course for: Employers, managers, personnel staff and recruitment staff.

About the course: All employers should have a drugs policy in place, but unfortunately many have not developed one. This leaves businesses at risk and without clear strategy if and when a drug related incident takes place. This failure could result in employment tribunals in the case of unfair dismissal, action for breaches of health and safety, damage to morale in the organisation and, at worst, prosecution or litigation. A well-designed drugs policy can't prevent problems, but it can ensure that you know how to act when a problem arises.


The course includes:

Format: Taught sections, group discussion, work in pairs and small groups.

Handouts: Documentation about basic drugs information, drugs in the workplace and contact lists will be provided to all participants.

Notes: In addition to training we can offer a tailored consultancy service to help you develop a workplace drugs policy and can be retained to offer confidential advice and guidance on employee drug use as needed. Please get in touch for a confidential discussion about your workplace needs.

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Courses overview

General Courses

Substance Specific Courses

Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses

Harm Reduction

Drugs and Wider Society
Commercial Sector

Skills-based Courses

Open Access Courses

In-House Courses

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