KFx can undertake a number of consultancy services to assist services to develop and improve. These include:
Resource development: organisations may want to produce literature for staff and/or clients. KFx can write accessible, accurate resources for a wide range of readers. Examples of in-house literature can be viewed in the RESOURCES section. In addition to these I have previously produced resources and literature for organisations including Turning Point, the Who Cares? Trust, Release, and Government departments.
Research: With a background in applied social research, Kevin Flemen is trained and experienced as a researcher. Kevin's specialism is in qualitative research, but is also experienced in literature based-research, and also works closely with professionals skilled in quantative research including the use of statistical packages including SPSS. Recent research has included work for EducaRI on behalf of London Boroughs. Previously, Kevin has undertaken ground-breaking research with hard-to-reach groups including young people who are homeless. This included statistical analysis and interviews with young people, alongside literature reviews.
Consultation exercises: Experienced in working both with service users and providers, KFx can undertake consultation exercised with key stakeholders. This can include individual interviews or focus groups, and can take place in a variety of settings. This is an ideal way of assessing the effectiveness of services, idntifying unmet needs and working more effectively with clients.
QuADS compliance: As organisations seek to comply with QuADS standards, they will find this easier to achive working with consultants who not only understand the requirements of QuADS but also have a good understanding of practice issues and drugs work. KFx can offer all this, and at a competitive rate.
Training needs analysis: In addition to providing high quality training, KFx can undertake initial assessment of training needs, and work with staff to produce an audit of training need and skills gaps.
Policy development: KFx can work with a variety of organisations to develop effective and relevant policy and practice guidance. This service is available to a wide range of organisations including workplace policies, policies for residential and drop-in centres, NHS trusts, treatment agencies and others.
Policy development takes place against a backdrop of working closely with the organisation to understand its aims and objectives, legal and good practice requirements, and staffing and resource issues. Kevin has worked extensively with a large number of statutory and voluntary agencies to assist the process of policy development. This has included developing policies for innovative provision for London's largest NHS Trust substance misuse team, and a large number of housing providers.
Service audit: KFx can undertake regional audits of local services, assessing them at a strategic level against the revised HAS tiers but also at a micro-level using dynamic mapping techniques to assess accessibility and networking.
For further details of all services please contact KFx.
General Courses
Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses
Harm Reduction
Skills-based Courses
Open Access Courses
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