of Sight?..................not out of mind
DoH (2005)
Children, Young People and Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA)A Frame: work for VSA.
Report on policy, trends and education responses to VSA
One area where national laboratories need urgent advice, even though the materials/substances involved are not all under international control, is the compilation of a practical analytical guide for the analysis of organic solvents contained in glues and paints. The present paper is intended to provide such assistance.
Substance Abuse - A Professional's Guide
HPA (2002)
Report written for the HPA by Richard Ives...
Trends in Death Associated With Abuse
of Volatile Substances 1971-2008
SGUL (2010)
Mortality stats for 2008 by St Georges Medical School.
of the evidence relating to volatile substance abuse in Scotland
Scottish Executive (September 2006)
This report presents the findings of a review of the evidence that is currently available regarding volatile substance abuse in Scotland, with a particular focus on young people aged under 18.