A Matter of
Substance? Alcohol or Drugs: Does it make a difference to the child?
aberlour (2007)
This is the report of the second Aberlour/SAADAT Think Tank on the impact of parental drug and alcohol use.
in the family: The impact on parents and siblings
JRF (June 2005)
An exploration of the impact which one son or daughter with a drug problem can have on the rest of the family. The impact of a family members drug problem on the rest of the family has received scant attention to date. This report provides insights into the experiences and problems such families face.
effect of parental substance abuse on young people
JRF (October 2004)
There is growing policy and practice interest in the effect of parental substance misuse - both drugs and alcohol - on children. Despite this, young people are often neglected in both policy discussion and service provision. This qualitative study was undertaken in Scotland and explored the lives of 38 young people between the ages of 15 and 27 years whose parents have or had a drug and/or alcohol problem.
people with, or at risk of developing,problematic substance misuse: A guide
to assessment
Effective Interventions Unit (October 2004)
To provide information and evidence to support the effective identification of substance related needs among young people; and to inform the design and delivery of effective assessment for young people with problematic substance misuse.
Impact of Substance Misuse on the Family: A Grounded Theory Analysisof the
Experience of Parents
Substance Misuse.net (July 2004)
The aim of this study was to conduct a detailed qualitative analysis into the impact of substance misuse on the family, from the point of view of parents of users. Semi-structured interviews (adapted from the work of Velleman et al., 1993) were conducted with ten parents, who were recruited from a drug and alcohol agency and a family support agency.
ACMD (May 2003)
This publication is a summary of an inquiry carried out by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, focussing on children in the UK with a parent, parents or other guardian whose drug use has serious negative consequences for themselves and those around them.
our Priorities Right: Good Practice Guidance for working with Children
and Families affected by Substance Misuse
Scottish Executive (February 2003)
By the looks of it a highly useful comprehensive document; more review soon...when we've read it!
Families and carers of Drug Users: a review
Scottish Effective Interventions Unit (December 2002)
A really useful publication that critically draws together research and papers on work with families. Well worth reading for those looking to develop services for families.
From The Family Support Seminars
Effective Interventions Unit (February 2003)
This report is a review of the research evidence and current practice which provides a range of evidence and information to assist in strengthening the rahe and quality of support available to families and carers of drug misusers.