The illicit
drug trade in the United Kingdom
Home Office (June 2007)
In late 2005, the UK Home Office commissioned Matrix Research and Consultancy (now Matrix Knowledge Group) and the London School of Economics to undertake a drug trafficker and dealer study. The aim of the research was to understand how high level drug dealers operate and how markets for illicit drugs work.
Classification: Making a hash of It?
House of Commons Science and Technology Comittee (July 2006)
This Report is the second of three case studies under the Committee s over-arching inquiry into the Government s handling of scientific advice,risk and evidence in policy making.It addresses the relationship between scientific advice and evidence and the classification of illegal drugs.
we have concluded that the current classification system is not fit for purpose and should be replaced with a more scientifically based scale of harm, decoupled from penalties for possession and trafficking. [179pp: PDF]
classification: making a hash of it? - The Government's Response
Home Office, UK, (October 2006)
The Government publishes its reply to each of the Committee's findings and concludes that the classification system discharges its function fully and effectively and has stood the test of time. 25pp: PDF
Birt Report on Drugs: Phase 1 Report - Understanding the Issues
Strategy Unit Drugs Project (August 2005)
Confidential Policy the 105-page PDF report from the Strategy Unit [Guardian, UK]
Rapid Assessment
of Power to close Crack houses
Home Office (January 2005)
A Home Office Document, written by Crime Concern. One of the most shocking things about this document is it's willingness to use the term "crack user" and "crack house" as a catchall term for people and premises where Class A drugs are used. By using such a catchall, there appears to be at best a carelessness, and at worst, an attempt to demonise class A drug users.
If the evidence of this report is to be believed, then, bar some problems providing support for vulnerable tenants, the new power to close premises has been a cost effective success. But there is no follow up to see how much displacement has taken place, nor outcomes as to how many people were actually referred in to treatment.
As such, while this report is essential reading, this is a badly conducted piece of research which supports the Government agenda in a wholly uncritical way.
Before taking up his tenure at Crime Concern, Roger Howard, whilst at Drugscope, was happy to challenge the forcing of the links between drugs and crime, and remember that users need support too.
Now, it seems that he has become a fully signed up member of the Antisocial behaviour Agenda, and as such that elusive OBE can only be a few months away!
Misuse 2004: Reducing the Local Impact
Audit Commission (November 2004)
Report by the Audit Commission in to the current state of drug interventions, reviewing effectiveness and recommending how services be developed in the future.
use and begging - a practice guide
Home Office (October 2004)
Report by the Audit Commission in to the current state of drug interventions, reviewing effectiveness and recommending how services be developed in the future.
The scale and
impact of illegal drug use by workers
HSE (October 2004)
This report aims to: establish the prevalence of illegal drug use in the working population, to investigate the effects of illegal drugs on work performance and to determine whether there is an association between illegal drug use and the prevalence of workplace accidents, injuries and human error. The project shows that recreational drug use may reduce performance efficiency and safety at work.
for Drug Users: A Guide
Effective Interventions Unit (July 2004)
The purpose of this EIU guide is to help DAATs and local partners to consider whether, and how, advocacy could be incorporated into the development of Integrated Care [Effective Interventions Unit, Scottish Executive]
Alcohol Harm
Reduction Strategy for England
PMSU (April 2004)
The recently published alcohol strategy. A long read but essential.
Report on Drug Misuse 2002
Scottish Executive (January 2003)
The Annual Report sets out the progress made in 2002 across all 4 pillars of the Executives drugs strategy, namely young people ,communities, treatment and availability.
drug use in Northern Ireland. A handbook for professionals
Health Promotion Agency (February 2000)
This handbook has been produced to aid professionals working in the field of drug prevention in Northern Ireland. It focuses on the local culture, customs and economic circumstances within Northern Ireland that directly affect drug use.