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Cocaine, Amphetamines and other Stimulants

Guidance for working with cocaine and crack users in primary care
RCGP (September 2004)

The guidance is aimed at all those involved in primary care working with adults using cocaine, including GPs and other team members. It will also be useful to all working in the community with drug users. Increasing numbers of cocaine/crack users are presenting to primary care, yet GPs have precious little guidance on how to manage and treat these patients.

A brief cognitive behavioural intervention for regular amphetamine users - A treatment guide
Uni Of Newcastle, Au (2003)

The current project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of both a two-and four-session cognitive-behavioural intervention among a sample (N=214)of regular amphetamine users recruited from Brisbane,Queensland and Newcastle,New South Wales.The four-session intervention is detailed in this publication;however practitioners may choose to offer a two-session intervention according to client needs.The development of the CBT intervention was informed by various treatment approaches that were considered appropriate for regular amphetamine users.

Models of intervention and care for psychostimulant users, 2nd Edition,
National Drug Strategy Monograph Series No. 51.
Baker, A., Lee, N.K. & Jenner, L. (Eds). Canberra. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (2004)

The aims of this monograph were to document the prevalence and risks associated with psychostimulant use, describe the pharmacology of psychostimulants, identify best practice in detoxification and clinical interventions for psychostimulant use, identify gaps in the literature and make suggestions for interventions and further research.

Psychostimulants: A Practical Guide
Scottish Effective Interventions Unit (October 2002)

"This guide explores the use of psychostimulants in Scotland, examines the problems associated with their use and discusses the evidence on interventions and service design. The guide includes a description of how services have been designed, or reconfigured, to address the needs of psychostimulant users."

Treating Cocaine/Crack Dependence
NTA (August 2002)

Guidance for working with cocaine and crack users in primary care

The guidance is aimed at all those involved in primary care working with adults using cocaine, including GPs and other team members. It will also be useful to all working in the community with drug users. Increasing numbers of cocaine/crack users are presenting to primary care, yet GPs have precious little guidance on how to manage and treat these patients.

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